Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Chess and Cinema and Cumberbatch (The Imitation Game)

Benedict Cumberbatch and The Imitation Game will turn chess geeks into heroes

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Club nights - in any language

Image from Chess Network
Nights are colder so you want to stay indoors?
Nothing decent on the television?

The obvious solution is to play more chess! 

We are planning to make the blog (this website) a more active way of keeping in touch with each other and using it to people know what Rugby Chess Club is up to. If you add your email address in the right hand column you will receive email alerts when something new is posted here. (If you would like to start posting your games or ideas here yourself just ask - guest editors are very welcome).

NEW FEATURE: The Google translate button. (See right hand column).

NEXT CLUB NIGHT: Monday (3rd November 2014).

Hoping to have a good turnout on club nights in 2014/15. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

2015 British Chess Championships - in our 'back yard'

The 2015 British Chess Championships will take place at the University of Warwick from 25 July to 8 August. (No excuses for not being there).

Apart from the main championship there are many competitions to suit all tastes including ones of varying length and catering for various grading bands. (Information on who can play is shown here). There will also be shopping and other draws for those who are in the vicinity ...

So, if you might want to play or watch then don't book your holiday in that period.

The website for more information is http://britishchesschampionships.co.uk/ (currently showing mostly information about the 2014 event - this will give you an idea of what you could be in for).  Note that there is a downloadable file about the 2015 tournament covering the accommodation options on campus here.

Maybe this would be a good opportunity to publicise the club? I would be up for making us a banner  to display if Nigel and Bob don't think that is too tacky :-)

Thursday, 24 July 2014

July 2014 Grading List Published

The July 2014 grading list has been published here today.

A copy of the club data is here in case the ecf site is busy.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Reminder about the importance of supporting club venues with your custom


Recently at a Nuneaton Club match a member of staff there spotted a visiting player (not one of ours) who had a drink not bought on the premises. You are reminded that all the venues we use expect you to buy your drinks while there rather than bringing them along with you.

Some chess clubs have in the past been required to change venue because of this happening and also because, frankly, chess players don't buy a lot at the bar even when they are buying all their drinks there. We are not the most profitable sort of club to host.

Even bringing your own water/soft drinks into the venue could be considered a problem so please don't do it. We have some very supportive venues and we need to support them. Your active co-operation is required. Thanks.

(Posted on behalf of Mike Johnson - wording is mine rather than his).

Monday, 3 February 2014

Jamie Kearneys game v Cov A

Jamie Kearney played a wonderful game last week in the match between Rugby A and Coventry A. The Queen sac is lovely to see. He had to get everything right in the last few otherwise he was mated himself !

Monday, 27 January 2014

Warwickshire Open Chess Congress 2014

Details and an entry form for the 2014 Warwickshire Open Chess Congress on 1st and 2nd March are online at http://congress.warwickshirechess.org/  .

New Grading List Published

The January 2014 grading list has been published here today.

The site seems to be struggling with traffic right now, so here is a copy of  the club data from one occasion when I got through.