Friday, 16 March 2012

Chris's game for the C team

The synpsosis of this game would be:

1. Dodgy start
2. Progress in the middle
3. Starting to look promising towards the end
4. What? How? She's done it again!!

Defeat dragged from the jaws of victory, as you will see. Note that some of the notation is a little dodgy but I think that the game went like this. If I Evans would let me know the last few moves I can put the whole show up.

If you can't read the game on screen the notation is in the comments below.

John Hall has offered the following analysis:

13 b6? Consider B2g or Bg7
17 a5? BxB+ KxB(King then can't castle) I could then move Kb8 (out of trouble)
21 Kd6 Suggests that this could be played as Move 20
24 Rb2! would be much better
29 Nxcg6? Suggests Rg8 instead to develp last peice, or Rb8 and push the b pawn down the board
34 Kd6 - b5! would have been better

Thanks John. I will try and do better next time and certainly read more on end game for next season.