Friday, 25 March 2011

John Hall's game - at last

I extracted the notation from John some weeks back, but have only just managed to get it up. (Note to self, when offering to put up games I should check how long they are first!). Thanks for parting with this one John. I really enjoyed the ending. :-) [And John is now shown as playing WHITE!]

IF YOU CANNOT SEE THIS then click on the button [View PGN] and either read through the game there (if you are that way inclined). Or copy the PGN notation there (all of it), go to the caissa website and select the [Import PGN file] option, paste the PGN there and click to confirm that you want to [Import]. You will see John's game (finally) and be able to click through. This is a temporary fix but should help whenever you cannot see the game properly on this site.