Sunday, 12 July 2009

Inserting a static image into a message

You can add an image into your blog posts by uploading this to the website.

Just click on the Image icon (the one above that looks like a photo of a landscape and is tagged 'Add Image' when you hover your mouse over it) and experiment with the options offered.

You should make sure than any images that you include in the blog are ones that you have permission to use. Your own photos are generally fine (although if they include photos of children check with parents first and do not identify the children by full name). If it is a copyright image (someone that someone else made) you should not use it without checking with the copyright owner first.

If you wanted a nice photo (we used one on this blog in the header) then you can possibly find something that would suit at Flickr using the Advanced Search and seaching on content which is Creative Commons and allows adaptation and reuse. You will usually need to provide the name of the person who created the image (check to see what the restrictions are). Or you may know of other sources of copyright free materials