Sunday, 12 July 2009

Publishing, editing and deleting a 'post'

The main content on this blog are 'posts'. These can be text-only, or include links, images, videos and animinations. Each new post appears at the top of the blog with the date and the ID of the person who posted it.

New posts
Once you sign there is a New Post link at the top of the page. This opens a window where you can type text (and a memorable title). Once finished if you press the Save Now button Blogger will save this as a draft in your Edit Posts list. You need to select Publish Post if you want anyone else to be able to read it.

Note that the window that you text type into can be used in Edit Html or Compose mode. For most purposes the Compose view is best as it offers a bigger range of formatting tools. You also have a Preview option - which you may well need as there is no spell checker.

You can write the message elsewhere and copy and paste it into the blog post. This is especially useful if its complex and has code. But note that you cannot copy formatting or images from (say) a word processed document. You will need to format within the post.

Editing or deleting a post

You might want to edit your post immediately (if you notice a mistake), or later if you think of something else that you want to say. When you edit a post it does not change position on the blog, so people who have read it and commented already may not realise that it has changed. You might want to leave a note of explanation - when/why you edited - if it is quite a significant change.

To get to Edit Posts once signed in choose Customise (top right on homepage). Then Posting (a 'top level' tab, then Edit Posts. You will see a list of all the posts that you have made and the option to Delete. or Edit, or View.

GENERAL NOTE: On both the RCC blogs only 'blog members' can post or comment on the blogs. If you are reading this message you already are a member (as the test blog is 'members-only'). You do not need to be a member to read the public RCC blog.