Thursday, 12 November 2009

Latest news and Individual Competition info on CDCL site

Liam, the webmaster for the CDCL site has been busy and posted an October update telling you which team is in the lead in the league (not Rugby I'm afraid) and the Divisional Cup (Rugby A, wow!!!!) also giving links to local websites which include analysis of games. This blog (well done folks) gets special mention, as does a site by Coventry player Mike Donnelly which I was not previously aware of and have added to our side links.

If you are thinking of taking part in the CDCL individual competitions it might be worth checking out the recent changes to the Individual Competitions page too. Notably the shift of the Barry Ades Trophy grade range from 100 to 120 and below. The Barnacle (U-18s) may run this year, but there is some discussion on-going about who can enter - whether you have to be playing in the league or not. Deadline for entries is 24th November, so quite soon.

I can't say anything about the games this week because I wasn't there. But I understand Nalin had a good game. I look forward to seeing that one and others some time. Especially now that our site has been singled out for its analysis (hint).