Still not sure of the result as I haven't been able to contact Joe.
But anyway it was at least a draw because although Raj was defaulted, James Mendes won on top and - absolutely brilliantly - in her first game in the league the provider of our new blog - Chris Pegler - won. Even though as she says it was against someone else relatively new, it's still a great achievement! So (although she is a bit shy over it) I thought we ought to put the game in our blog. After all Chris they won't come every week !
[Event "Rugby C v Nuneaton"]
[Site "Div 3 Cup"]
[Date "2009.10.6"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Chris P"]
[Black "Andrew M"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. g3 Bg4 4. Bg2 Nf6 5. Ne5 Qd6 6. Nxg4 Nxg4 7. Bf4 {Now
feeling a little vulnerable so attacking bishop} 7... Qf6 {He shifts position
to attach bishop and pawn but both are fortunately defended. } 8. O-O Qxd4
{If I take his queen he will take back with knight and have a pawn and threat
next time. } 9. Nc3 {Let's move a knight instead and head for c7} 9... e6
{Defends d5 pawn and opens up path for bishop.} 10. Nb5 {I continue with my
plan and also threaten his queen} 10... Qxd1 {So he initiates a swop} 11.
Raxd1 O-O-O {And castles. Which foils my optimistic plan. I then develop an
alternative plan which I have not thought through. } 12. Bxc7 {If I take c7
then he cannot take back with King so I should be able to take Rook next
go?} 12... Rd7 {Hm. Perhaps there was something wrong with that plan?} 13.
Bf4 Bc5 {Hm. How much trouble will Knight and Bishop attacking f2 cause? }
14. e4 {I have half an idea here but not sure what it is yet. Something about
a Rook exchange?} 14... Nxf2 {My mental maths goes 3+3 trade for a Rook (5) =
good. } 15. Rxf2 Bxf2+ 16. Kxf2 dxe4 {Not sure what was on his mind. Except
perhaps my undefended Rook? But now I've moved the King I won't be in check
if he takes it. And I have a plan to make sure that he can't take it yet
anyhow ...} 17. Nd6+ Kd8 {Avoiding discovered check (and me taking undefended
Rook if he moved to b8} 18. Nxf7+ {But it hardly helps because I've now
forked King and Rook. } 18... Kc8 19. Rxd7 {Might as well swop Rooks now. }
19... Kxd7 20. Nxh8 Ke7 {His King is still game for a fight but the game is
going my way. } 21. Bxe4 {And this is more luck that judgement.} 21... Kf8
{Trying to block in Knight} 22. Bxh7 {Foiled. Black resigns.} 1-0