Thursday, 30 September 2010

Well Done Chris

Well done Chris for the fantastic coverage of Rugby Chess Club in the Rugby Advertiser today. We may need to change venue to the Benn Hall soon :-)

Monday, 27 September 2010

Watch out for RCC pics in the Rugby Advertiser

Thanks to those of you who came along last week to be photographed for a peice about the Club in the Rugby Advertiser. Not everyone could make it, but we managed to field 16 players (past season and this season's hopefuls). Look out for the Rugby Advertiser on 30th Sept and you may well see someone you recognise :-)

Div3 Leamington League result

The first match of the season, on Sep 13th, produced a win for the travelling Rugby team. The home team were Kenilworth D:

Tony Pickering vs Nigel Malka 0-1
Chris Aldridge vs Simon Turner 0-1
Mike Whatson vs Jim MacDonald 1-0

Rugby won 2-1.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

London Chess Classic - anyone going?

The 2nd London Chess Classic will be the strongest chess tournament ever to be held in Britain, with eight of the world’s best players playing from 8-15 December 2010 at the Olympia Conference Centre. Junior attendance is free, adults are £10 for weekdays and £15 for weekend) - see for schedule and info.

I went with Rhys last year and in addition to being SO CLOSE to the world champion players there were all sorts of demonstrations, commentaries and an open contest. Quite an experience and you got a neat lanyard thrown in :-)

John Hall is intending to attend this year and would be interested in knowing of others who intend to go along. Email him at

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Monday Social chess nights at the Rugby Workers Club

Because we have had difficulty with space at the LMRCA on Monday nights (we haven't been able to use the main hall anymore) the junior chess club is moving to the Rugby Workers Club in Oliver Street.

As you know the social chess nights we have had on Mondays at the LMRCA have fitted in very nicely with this. But it would be a shame not to continue linking the social chess nights with the junior chess night.

So I am suggesting to club members that for the benefit of us all we start using the Rugby Workers Club for our social chess in future starting from Monday 6 Sept. The start time is 7pm which is earlier than we could get at the LMRCA. (I am not masking any bookings for social chess at the LMRCA from hereon).

Please note that Cov League matches and Leamington League matches are all still at the LMRCA as before.

Here is a map which has already been set up elsewhere for the Rugby Workers club:

Map for the Rugby Workers club

(Beware : there is a slight error on their map - the club is on the other side of the road to that shown, on Oliver Street between Parnell Close and Bridget Street)

Essential information:
- The street is called Oliver Street and the postcode is CV21 2ET
- There is good parking all round the venue on its own ground.
- The door entry system is just like the LMRCA so you will need to press the bell and wait. (We are sorting out individual cards with the club staff at the moment)
if they wish.
- Nominal times are from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm but the idea is for you to come and go at whatever time suits you.

And thats about it!
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday

Bob Wildig

Friday, 3 September 2010

Updates to clubs we visit information

There have been some minor changes to venues we go to (as away teams). I think these are just Kenilworth and Nuneaton (in the Leamington League)but have a look through the Leamington league website details provided on their website which is linked in.

Clubs we visit