Hello everybody, I hope you have been having an enjoyable summer, and that my news will bring further enjoyment as the fruits of your labour are now available in electronic format.
I have incluced the link for rugby club players specifically on the database, but if you want to check out any other players ratings then just go to the home page (I am sure many people will already know of the grading database anyway)
ECF grades for 'Rugby' chess club players
P.S. For those interested, I got a new rating of 195 which I am quite pleased with as it is my highest ever!
Thanks Tyrannosauruschex for the link. I’ve added to your post (above) using my super-moderator powers to create a table which takes out a couple that aren't (as far as I am aware) players for Rugby (Murray David of Checkmates and Russell James of Widnes). I’ve kept in James who was with us last season the by the looks of things is playing for several down south clubs.