Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Rounding off the year with our Winter Handicap Chess Tournament.

Photo by HeyDere (CC: BY NC Flickr)
Our last match before the end of year has now been played. Our last meeting was Monday with a four way split of first place in the mini-tournament between Simon, Jamie, David and Nicola. (Simon won the prize on a card draw - free entry to next's Warwickshire Chess Championship in May.)

Bob (President) came along to confer festive greetings on us all, Nigel (Chair) organised the handicapping and ran the tournament, Chris distributed puzzles and sweets. Sadly there was only one Christmas sweater in play (Nalin we missed you!). Thank you to everyone who played. Particular congratulations to Tom and Jonty who had not played in tournaments before and are very new members of the club.

Just to remind you that the next club meeting will be on 15th January 2018 (as 1st January is a Bank Holiday).  Hope to see you then,meanwhile happy holidays everyone.