Thursday, 29 April 2010
We won the cup too !
Its too much - the night before last we won the Cov League Cup - a magnificent game by John against Dave Ireland - you really have to post it John on here - it was quality chess. Nalin had a good game with Ed Goodwin which ended in a draw and I think Jonathan had the upper hand most of the way against Mike Johnson and took a draw to secure us the win on board count. I am not sure what to say about my game with Mark Page - I lost is the safe thing to say. (If I think its the right thing to do I might post it - its full of difficult awkward chess but I don't feel that it is a great game).
Thursday, 22 April 2010
The Good, the Bad and the Unfortunate
Rugby A won there match 3-1 against Newdigate. Bob, Jonny and myself all won but unfortunately Martin had a winning position and then blundered. So Rugby A are through to the finals of the KO Cup against Coventry A who also got through I hear beating Rugby B. Not good news for us as we were looking forward to an all Rugby final.
I don't really know how Rugby C got on in the plate match so I will leave that post to someone else.
I'm going to do something different in my analysis in my game. Instead of giving lots of boring variations, I'm going to say what I was thinking in my head psychologically. I'm trying this new approach to see if people like it and also to demonstrate what went on in my head to make the game that bit more enjoyable. I will only know what you thought if you post comments so please do so.
Before I start with the game I know players never really know what to play or how to play against weak or weaker players than themselves. My advice is just to keep playing your moves because even if you know that they have made bad moves they don't need punishing straight away usually. Anyway I hope you enjoy the game.
If you flip the game twice then it will put the players on the right colours that they were playing.
As he resigned he said 'I think that's enough' which really shows the psychological stress he was under during the game.
I don't really know how Rugby C got on in the plate match so I will leave that post to someone else.
I'm going to do something different in my analysis in my game. Instead of giving lots of boring variations, I'm going to say what I was thinking in my head psychologically. I'm trying this new approach to see if people like it and also to demonstrate what went on in my head to make the game that bit more enjoyable. I will only know what you thought if you post comments so please do so.
Before I start with the game I know players never really know what to play or how to play against weak or weaker players than themselves. My advice is just to keep playing your moves because even if you know that they have made bad moves they don't need punishing straight away usually. Anyway I hope you enjoy the game.
If you flip the game twice then it will put the players on the right colours that they were playing.
[Event "Newdigate VS Rugby A (KO S/Finals)"]
[Site "Newdigate"]
[Date "2010.4.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "C Burton"]
[Black "N Kadodwala"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "U"]
[BlackELO "152"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. d4 {Very unusual to see this move at this level of play. Also he might be
an ok player because his ungrated rating could mean anything so just play my
moves.} 1... e6 2. Nf3 {Already doesn't know what to do because he doesn't
know what I'm going to do. Things are already going well in the fact that I'm
making him uncomfortable.} 2... f5 3. e3 {He is afraid of playing c4.} 3...
Nf6 4. Nbd2 {Ok. He's a colle player who plays solid non-aggressive chess...
excellent for me. If he doesn't want a fight then I'm going to force a fight.
Hence my next move.} 4... c5 {Strikes out against the centre and also exposes
what he is going to do about it.} 5. c3 {What a surprise. He defends.} 5...
Nc6 6. b3 {He's read something about this setup and hasn't read it very well
so lets gain more space in the centre.} 6... d5 7. Ba3 {The first active move
from him. Maybe he has realised that I'm just going to gain space. He is now
trying to stop my pieces from finding good posts.} 7... Qa5 8. Qc1?! {? Just
defending the bishop and hoping for a possible pawn fork on b4. It does
nothing this move. So lets carry on my my moves.} 8... Ne4 {I go active
myself stoping his threat with a counter threat on c3. My threat is more
dangerous as if the centre breaks open his badly placed pieces namely Ba3 and
Qc1 will become even more apparent. So he stops the threat...} 9. Nxe4 fxe4
{The f file opens for possible assaulting. Notice my position is just getting
better.} 10. Nd2 {Not a bad move as such but he is always going backwards and
never forwards. It is easy to see that the knight has no prospects. Time to
address my problems. The Ba3 is annoying but how to get rid of it. An easy
answer... don't castle kingside, lets go to the queenside with my king.}
10... cxd4 11. Bxf8 {He takes this chance to disrupt kingside castling.}
11... Rxf8 {My rook is obviosly nicely placed here on the semi open f file.}
12. cxd4? {Oh dear. It's only move 12 and look at white's position. No chance
for any activity. The Qc1 doesn't look right. The Nd2 is going nowhere. How
to add to my opponents misery? Time to activate my own pieces (Bc8 and
Ra8).} 12... e5! 13. dxe5 {What else can he do?} 13... Bg4! {DONT FORGET YOUR
PLANS. The idea of the e pawn push was to ACTIVATE my pieces remember not
give him counter play with 13...Nxe5 14 Qb2! This would clear the way for his
rook to come to c1 as well as threats down the a1-h8 diagonal.} 14. h3 {He is
desperate to castle and so wants his bishop on e2. But my previous move
stopped that. Hence he is trying to kick it away.} 14... Bh5 {Keeping up the
pressure on e2.} 15. g3? {I think this though is worse than a mistake. Just
look at that juicy hole on f3. Time to exploit.} 15... Bf3 16. Rh2 {If I'm
able to force my opponent to do this then clearly he's gone terribly wrong.}
16... O-O-O {The pin down the c file is only temporary but I do get my other
rook in to the game.} 17. Bg2 {He is weak on the light squares and to exploit
this it best to get rid of his main light squared defender... his bishop,
so...} 17... Bxg2 18. Rxg2 d4 {I push in the center now instead of ...Kb8 to
stop a possible Qb2 as before.} 19. Kf1 {He does need to get out of the
knight pin but my Rf8 is secretly smiling.} 19... Qxe5 20. Nc4 {His only good
piece is his knight but that is about the only good thing I can say for his
whole position.} 20... Qf5 {Remember the light squared weaknesses. What is he
trying to do? I have a centralised position against a randomly scattered
defence} 21. Qc2? {I really don't get this move at all. Maybe hoping for a
Queen exchange after a possible f4? My opponent is starting to dream.} 21...
Kb8 {Gets out of the pin so all my pieces are involved in the killing, sorry
I meant assault.} 22. Rd1 {Oh dear. I've given up putting question marks on
his moves now... I could either push the d pawn to get a passed pawn are go
for active piece play. I chose the latter.} 22... Nb4 23. Qd2 Nd3 {The Nd3 is
a monster and looking at the co-ordination of blacks pieces against f2, this
game might well be over soon. } 24. exd4 {What else can he do? Time to create
massive threats.} 24... Qxh3 {Only now do I take when all my pieces are
involved. Not before then.} 25. Ne3?? {He is still dreaming because he doesn't
see how I am to break through.} 25... Rxf2+ {But I do. He missed the fact
that the Rg2 is pinned so cannot help in protecting f2.} 26. Qxf2 Nxf2 27.
Kxf2 Rf8+ 28. Kg1 {Ok. So I have a won position but how to go about winning
it? I do not want to swap rooks off. I have to co-ordinate attacks on both
wings. The reason the queen is a powerful piece is her ability to double
attack and that is what I need to do. Also my e pawn could be come quite
strong if I get rid of a blockade on e3. } 28... Qh6 {Trying to centralise
her majesty as well as clear e3} 29. Re1 {He is still trying to cling on. The
d pawn looks like a nice target.} 29... Qd6 30. d5?? {Nc2 was much better but
I wasn't surprised by this move. } 30... Rf3 {Possible threats on g3 and e3
followed by a pin on c5 maybe?} 31. Kh2?? {Motivated by trying to protect
weaknesses. The ones I pointed out were g3 and e3. Two targets means a double
attack so here goes.} 31... Rxe3 32. Rxe3 Qh6+ {A lethel double attack which
wins the game as he resigns. } 0-1
[Site "Newdigate"]
[Date "2010.4.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "C Burton"]
[Black "N Kadodwala"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "U"]
[BlackELO "152"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. d4 {Very unusual to see this move at this level of play. Also he might be
an ok player because his ungrated rating could mean anything so just play my
moves.} 1... e6 2. Nf3 {Already doesn't know what to do because he doesn't
know what I'm going to do. Things are already going well in the fact that I'm
making him uncomfortable.} 2... f5 3. e3 {He is afraid of playing c4.} 3...
Nf6 4. Nbd2 {Ok. He's a colle player who plays solid non-aggressive chess...
excellent for me. If he doesn't want a fight then I'm going to force a fight.
Hence my next move.} 4... c5 {Strikes out against the centre and also exposes
what he is going to do about it.} 5. c3 {What a surprise. He defends.} 5...
Nc6 6. b3 {He's read something about this setup and hasn't read it very well
so lets gain more space in the centre.} 6... d5 7. Ba3 {The first active move
from him. Maybe he has realised that I'm just going to gain space. He is now
trying to stop my pieces from finding good posts.} 7... Qa5 8. Qc1?! {? Just
defending the bishop and hoping for a possible pawn fork on b4. It does
nothing this move. So lets carry on my my moves.} 8... Ne4 {I go active
myself stoping his threat with a counter threat on c3. My threat is more
dangerous as if the centre breaks open his badly placed pieces namely Ba3 and
Qc1 will become even more apparent. So he stops the threat...} 9. Nxe4 fxe4
{The f file opens for possible assaulting. Notice my position is just getting
better.} 10. Nd2 {Not a bad move as such but he is always going backwards and
never forwards. It is easy to see that the knight has no prospects. Time to
address my problems. The Ba3 is annoying but how to get rid of it. An easy
answer... don't castle kingside, lets go to the queenside with my king.}
10... cxd4 11. Bxf8 {He takes this chance to disrupt kingside castling.}
11... Rxf8 {My rook is obviosly nicely placed here on the semi open f file.}
12. cxd4? {Oh dear. It's only move 12 and look at white's position. No chance
for any activity. The Qc1 doesn't look right. The Nd2 is going nowhere. How
to add to my opponents misery? Time to activate my own pieces (Bc8 and
Ra8).} 12... e5! 13. dxe5 {What else can he do?} 13... Bg4! {DONT FORGET YOUR
PLANS. The idea of the e pawn push was to ACTIVATE my pieces remember not
give him counter play with 13...Nxe5 14 Qb2! This would clear the way for his
rook to come to c1 as well as threats down the a1-h8 diagonal.} 14. h3 {He is
desperate to castle and so wants his bishop on e2. But my previous move
stopped that. Hence he is trying to kick it away.} 14... Bh5 {Keeping up the
pressure on e2.} 15. g3? {I think this though is worse than a mistake. Just
look at that juicy hole on f3. Time to exploit.} 15... Bf3 16. Rh2 {If I'm
able to force my opponent to do this then clearly he's gone terribly wrong.}
16... O-O-O {The pin down the c file is only temporary but I do get my other
rook in to the game.} 17. Bg2 {He is weak on the light squares and to exploit
this it best to get rid of his main light squared defender... his bishop,
so...} 17... Bxg2 18. Rxg2 d4 {I push in the center now instead of ...Kb8 to
stop a possible Qb2 as before.} 19. Kf1 {He does need to get out of the
knight pin but my Rf8 is secretly smiling.} 19... Qxe5 20. Nc4 {His only good
piece is his knight but that is about the only good thing I can say for his
whole position.} 20... Qf5 {Remember the light squared weaknesses. What is he
trying to do? I have a centralised position against a randomly scattered
defence} 21. Qc2? {I really don't get this move at all. Maybe hoping for a
Queen exchange after a possible f4? My opponent is starting to dream.} 21...
Kb8 {Gets out of the pin so all my pieces are involved in the killing, sorry
I meant assault.} 22. Rd1 {Oh dear. I've given up putting question marks on
his moves now... I could either push the d pawn to get a passed pawn are go
for active piece play. I chose the latter.} 22... Nb4 23. Qd2 Nd3 {The Nd3 is
a monster and looking at the co-ordination of blacks pieces against f2, this
game might well be over soon. } 24. exd4 {What else can he do? Time to create
massive threats.} 24... Qxh3 {Only now do I take when all my pieces are
involved. Not before then.} 25. Ne3?? {He is still dreaming because he doesn't
see how I am to break through.} 25... Rxf2+ {But I do. He missed the fact
that the Rg2 is pinned so cannot help in protecting f2.} 26. Qxf2 Nxf2 27.
Kxf2 Rf8+ 28. Kg1 {Ok. So I have a won position but how to go about winning
it? I do not want to swap rooks off. I have to co-ordinate attacks on both
wings. The reason the queen is a powerful piece is her ability to double
attack and that is what I need to do. Also my e pawn could be come quite
strong if I get rid of a blockade on e3. } 28... Qh6 {Trying to centralise
her majesty as well as clear e3} 29. Re1 {He is still trying to cling on. The
d pawn looks like a nice target.} 29... Qd6 30. d5?? {Nc2 was much better but
I wasn't surprised by this move. } 30... Rf3 {Possible threats on g3 and e3
followed by a pin on c5 maybe?} 31. Kh2?? {Motivated by trying to protect
weaknesses. The ones I pointed out were g3 and e3. Two targets means a double
attack so here goes.} 31... Rxe3 32. Rxe3 Qh6+ {A lethel double attack which
wins the game as he resigns. } 0-1
As he resigned he said 'I think that's enough' which really shows the psychological stress he was under during the game.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Good luck (gulp) tonight ...
Monday, 19 April 2010
Thursday, 8 April 2010
For those who look at the games and see gobbldegook ...
Well there could be two reasons ...
a) You don't know the first thing about chess, or (more likely at the moment)
b) You've hit a cross scripting modification error - effectively a barrier has been put in place to prevent a security risk. I can - it seems - re-post games to overcome this if I use a less recent IE browser on a different computer. But while I search for a more sustainable solution (and a way to get James' Lost Win to show properly) here is how to play through games that look like random code and won't play.
1. Click the VIEW PGN button - this displays the code, which is still there and still correct.
2. Select/copy the code.
3. Open the PGN viewer on the Cassia site
4. Click IMPORT PGN.
5. Paste the code into the window that appears and then IMPORT.
This works for everything _but_ that games of James' (which I am working on). I hope that this will sort itself out as this 'security fix' will cause grief for all sorts of sites. It will either get better or worse over the next few weeks and I will look for a different way of showing games when I have time. But Cassia has served us well, so hoping any new solution will be at least as good as that one.
a) You don't know the first thing about chess, or (more likely at the moment)
b) You've hit a cross scripting modification error - effectively a barrier has been put in place to prevent a security risk. I can - it seems - re-post games to overcome this if I use a less recent IE browser on a different computer. But while I search for a more sustainable solution (and a way to get James' Lost Win to show properly) here is how to play through games that look like random code and won't play.
1. Click the VIEW PGN button - this displays the code, which is still there and still correct.
2. Select/copy the code.
3. Open the PGN viewer on the Cassia site
4. Click IMPORT PGN.
5. Paste the code into the window that appears and then IMPORT.
This works for everything _but_ that games of James' (which I am working on). I hope that this will sort itself out as this 'security fix' will cause grief for all sorts of sites. It will either get better or worse over the next few weeks and I will look for a different way of showing games when I have time. But Cassia has served us well, so hoping any new solution will be at least as good as that one.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Postal game Bradney v Wildig
Hi everyone - This is nothing to do with rugby Chess Club. There is a problem over a postal game I'm playing and this is to help show it to my opponent. I will delete as soon as I can.
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Bradney"]
[Black "Wildig"]
[Result "*"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd3 c5 6. Nf3 d5 7. O-O Nc6 8. a3
Bxc3 9. bxc3 dxc4 10. Bxc4 Qc7 11. Bd3 e5 12. Qc2 Rd8 13. Nxe5 Nxe5 14. dxe5
Qxe5 15. f3 Bd7 16. a4 Rac8 17. Re1 c4 18. Bf1 Qa5 19. e4 b5 20. Be3 bxa4 21.
Bd4 Bb5 22. Qd2 Rc6 23. Qg5 h6 24. Qf5 Ne8
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Bradney"]
[Black "Wildig"]
[Result "*"]
[WhiteELO "?"]
[BlackELO "?"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd3 c5 6. Nf3 d5 7. O-O Nc6 8. a3
Bxc3 9. bxc3 dxc4 10. Bxc4 Qc7 11. Bd3 e5 12. Qc2 Rd8 13. Nxe5 Nxe5 14. dxe5
Qxe5 15. f3 Bd7 16. a4 Rac8 17. Re1 c4 18. Bf1 Qa5 19. e4 b5 20. Be3 bxa4 21.
Bd4 Bb5 22. Qd2 Rc6 23. Qg5 h6 24. Qf5 Ne8
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